“Necessity is the mother of invention”

Working in construction and agriculture, I was always strapping something down and most often by myself. 9 times out of 10 the weight of the strap end of the ratchet strap often falls off the attachment point right about the time your going to tighten down your load. Leading to another trip to reattach the hook hoping it will stay put this time. After doing this time and time again I decided there must be a better way. Looking around, to my surprise there was nothing like the One Hook Wonder on the market. Thus I began the design work. After a numerous crude designs they evolved into what you see today and I was able put the final design to work. Giving samples to friends in agriculture and construction industries while using them myself we all realized how beneficial the One Hook Wonder would be for everyone. Hauling loads both big and small, each time someone goes to use their strap with the One Hook Wonder they were on the road in no time because…One Hook, One Throw, Ratchet it down your ready to roll! They never stop working.

No Need to buy more straps

There are many brands of 2 inch straps on the market so a key to our design is that its universal among all strap manufactures, symmetrical and above all strong. Made with UV resistant HDPE plastic and a strong epoxy coated Neodymium magnet the One Hook Wonder will not degrade in the elements. Although they will not degrade in the heat or the cold, it will get you back in your heated or air-conditioned truck faster and on the road. The One Hook Wonder is built last and provide years of use and happy hauling!